Product List
Eco-friendly and recyclable commercial materials
Proactive approaches to meet all needs

We provide a stable supply of high-quality commercial materials, mainly particleboard, MDF, and OSB, to users from both Japan and abroad.
We are one of the leading building materials trading companies in terms of volume of OSB.
This material serves as a base material for furniture, kitchens and other housing equipment, as well as doors, flooring, and other housing components. We provide ideas for products with characteristics tailored to their intended use to consumers.
Experienced specialists provide high-resolution proposals.
Legality as well as considerations for the environment and society

Sojitz Building Materials is committed to responsible lumber procurement based on the Sojitz Group Supply Chain CSR Action Guidelines, which are verified by a third party.

Import agent connecting domestic MDF manufacturers with overseas manufacturers

We make contributions to the stable supply in the Japanese market through activities such as participating in OEMs for domestic MDF manufacturers with which we have close relationships.
Proposal capabilities based on a wealth of human resources and knowledge
We have a top-class track record in the industry, and our staff has a high level of knowledge of manufacturing processes and products gained through dealings with a variety of leading manufacturers in the industry allowing us to make the right proposal for your needs.

What you can do with Sojitz Building Materials

Alternative supply capabilities based on a wide variety of supplier sources
We have a wide variety of domestic and overseas supplier sources and can provide alternative supplies in the event of supply shortages and other BCP (Business Continuity Plan) measures for our users.

Taking on the challenge of realizing a decarbonized society through SDG building materials
We are working to realize a decarbonized and circular economy through the development and sale of sustainable materials.

Sharing information by leveraging the comprehensive strengths of our group of specialists
We provide information in a consistent and prompt manner on topics such as local conditions and raw materials, along with discovering and proposing new commercial materials based on the Sojitz Group's comprehensive capabilities.