Company Information
Compliance Initiatives Initiatives
We strive to ensure “strict compliance with domestic laws, international laws, and internal regulations,” as well as “practice responsible and ethical behavior with respect for social norms” among our company’s staff and those of the Sojitz Group.
In order to implement and enforce thorough compliance within our company and the Sojitz Group, we have established a compliance program, compliance code of conduct, anti-corruption rules, etc., and have established a compliance committee to ensure strict adherence to legal requirements and enhance crisis management capabilities.
To prevent, detect, and respond to any legal compliance violations within our company and the Sojitz Group at an early stage, Sojitz Building Materials has implemented measures such as setting up a direct hotline to the CEO and a hotline to the Compliance Office.
We have set up a website for the Compliance Committee Office on our intranet to raise awareness among our officers and employees. Going forward, we will continue to work to strengthen compliance measures within our company and the Sojitz Group through initiatives such as awareness-raising and education.
Efforts for Next-Generation Training Support and Women's Empowerment

At our company, we have formulated a "General Employer Action Plan," based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, to support the balance between work and childcare through measures such as improving the employment environment and reevaluating work styles. We also formulated a "General Employer Action Plan," based on the Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life, to create a conducive work environment where women can thrive, and we are making proactive efforts towards achieving these goals.